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The Estates: 20 Years of Continued Success

On February 13th, 2019, the Gloria Dei Estates community had the honor of celebrating their 20th anniversary. This momentous date called for a momentous event! All of the residents were invited to enjoy a night of food, drinks, and entertainment.

Frank Johnson speaks

Frank Johnson speaks

Before dinner, residents had the pleasure of hearing the history and the origin of this community’s creation from guest speakers such as: Frank Johnson, former Board President; Vincent Dattilo, CEO of Gloria Dei; Susan Wright, President of Gloria Dei; and concluded by Sister Paula Napoli. However, there was also a bit of a surprise built into Susan Wright’s speech.

In keeping up with the theme of celebration, she wanted to celebrate twenty years of a wonderful history at the Estates, so helped by Vince Dattilo, they unveiled plans for a brand new theater room at the community! It’s a fitting gift for such an incredible group of people.


Sister Napoli concluded the speech portion of the night by delivering a beautiful firsthand account of her mother’s experience at the Estates. Her mother was fortunate enough to be one of the first members at this community. To read the speech in its entirety, you can view it below.

Sister Paula Napoli’s Speech

IMG_1522As stated previously, Sr. Napoli’s mother was one of the first residents to move into the Estates and was beloved by all, especially for her beautiful piano playing. Sr. Napoli thanked everyone who was involved in her mother’s life at the Estates and gave a special thanks to those who encouraged her to make a CD of her piano playing, the first she has ever done. It just goes to show you the types of communities Gloria Dei curates. They embrace the idea of, “It’s never too late to try something new.”

She also spoke of her celebration for her Golden Jubilee. What she had expected to be a small gathering of people in the Grand Room, turned out to be a full blown surprise party at the Red Rooster. They filled it to capacity. It’s just one more example of how you’re not just a resident or the daughter of a resident at the Estates. There’s one word for everybody: family. At the conclusion of her speech, dinner began.

Ensuing dinner there was another celebration to be had. Twenty years ago, the Estates opened. However, the Estates is all about its residents! Especially those who have been here for the entire twenty years! Those individuals had to be honored, which is why they were given the opportunity to participate in the cake cutting ceremony. These incredible people are the reason for the continued success of Gloria Dei Estates.

They are: Jeanne Ballay, Mary Jane Brough, Gertrude Clauhs, Doris Fallon, Agnes Fanelli, Peg France, Florence Goulding, Bernie Lindline, Helen Maclain, Kathleen McHale, Dan Rofrano, Philomena Savoca, and Kathleen Springer.

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Once dessert was finished up, it was time for the entertainment. Those in attendance had the pleasure of watching and hearing Lou Dottoli sing the night away. He crooned to the tunes of the greats like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin and even interacted with the residents. A true performer he was! Needless to say, a good time was had by all. To check out more photos from the event, head to our photo gallery here!

We’d also like to thank everyone who was involved in the event. Without each and every moving part working together, it would have never been such a success. And a special thanks goes out to the residents for their participation! None of this is possible without all of you. Thanks again!

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