Call us at 267-625-6429 or click here to arrange a free tour of our locations!
Call us at 215-659-3900 or click here to arrange a free tour of our locations!


Memory Care at the Park is an Alzheimer’s and dementia care community

It has 42 state-of-the-art private residences designed to enhance our person-centered approach to memory care.

It is the embodiment of our mission to ensure the best possible quality of life through the latest dementia care evidence and best practices by establishing a new and advanced standard of care for people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Location and Directions

    • Contact: Call Sis Wichterman at
      (215) 659-3900 during office hours or 215-624-8598, 24/7, for a timely response and consultation. You can also speak directly with our Director of Nursing for specific concerns.
The Towers
The Plaza
Personal Care at the Park
Memory Care at the Park
The Farms
The Manor and Manor Court
The Estates

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