June 21st is when you can officially state that summer has started. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get outside and enjoy this fine weather now. In fact, it’s better if you start taking advantage of the higher temperatures and spend some time in the sun! But you don’t have to just stand outside and collect the rays. Read More
The month of May is a wonderful reminder that summer is on its way and that the nice weather is here to stay. For some people, that means getting outside to do some gardening, going on a bike ride, or maybe extra walks during the week. Nice weather tends to make us more active. Read More
Our view of Alzheimer’s disease and the way it’s treated have been changing since it was first discovered in 1906. To stay on top of some of the newest facts and figures, read our list of 7 essential facts about Alzheimer’s disease.
- Dementia is not synonymous with Alzheimer’s disease.
A lot of people try and use these terms to describe the same thing.
April 7th marks an important awareness day that is celebrated worldwide every year since 1948. The World Health Organization (WHO) uses this day, known as World Health Day, to generate a greater amount of attention surrounding a specific disease or disorder. This year they have decided to highlight depression around the campaign titled “Let’s Talk.” Read More
All this month for National Nutrition Month, we’ve been detailing the proper diet to ensure healthy aging. What we put into our bodies really matters as we age. This is especially important if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Specific nutrients and vitamins and minerals can help delay or relieve some of the symptoms. Read More
Last month, we taught you all about proper nutrition to take care of your heart. This was in celebration of American Heart Month. For March, we’re celebrating another similar topic. This month is National Nutrition Month, a thirty one day observance dedicated to healthy eating choices for your overall health, and not simply your heart health. Read More
In previous a blog celebrating American Heart Month, we detailed heart healthy habits to decrease your chances of getting some form of heart disease. We lightly touched on areas of your diet that, depending on the nutrient and the amount you consume, can either hurt or help your heart. Since it is still February and your heart health should always be a top priority, below is a more detailed look at 2 nutrients that are important to your overall well-being, but the amount consumed needs to be monitored. Read More
It’s that special time of the year again! In February, it’s hard not to imagine red, rosy cartoon hearts, as Valentine’s Day approaches. That’s why this month is the perfect month to celebrate American Heart Month. Last February we wrote about ways to improve your heart health. This year we intend to educate you about one of the leading conditions that can occur from heart disease. Read More