On April 15th, the residents, the community and the corporate leaders Gloria Dei The Farms came together in Hatboro, Pa in order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its original opening.
This was all made possible due to the visionary direction of Reverend Ernie Schmidt and Frank Johnson. Their passion to create a community where older adults can call home has resulted in this wonderful creation where everyone now has the opportunity to receive the proper individual care they require, while maintaining their dignity and independence. There was much to celebrate that night!
It began with a lovely social hour, where residents and staff enjoyed a buffet spread and drinks, including background music of live piano. Nancy Williams, the Chief of Staff for Representative Thomas P. Murt, was in attendance and had some very nice words to say about the entire Gloria Dei community, congratulating those involved for 25 years of success. As her speech concluded, everyone made their way into the newly renovated dining hall for the main event.
Vincent Dattilo, CEO of Gloria Dei Communities, began the dinner ceremony by introducing the first few speakers. These speakers included Gloria Dei community leaders such as James Davis (Administrator of Farms’ Independent Community) and Michele DiVincenzo (Administrator of Personal Care and Memory Care at The Park Communities). Their touching speeches reflected the joy they experience each day, knowing that they get to come to work and spend it with the wonderful people of this community. They even spent most of their speeches specifically thanking each person they work side-by-side with, letting them know how much their hard work and wonderful personalities mean to them.
Senator Greenleaf was also in attendance and gave a heartfelt speech. He and his team have been firm believers in the work that Gloria Dei and The Farms have been doing for the last 25 years. He believed in the vision Ernie Schmidt and Frank Johnson laid out before him, which was evident in the address he issued to the crowd. He was proud to see that the two gentlemen’s dream came to life and in a big way.Frank Johnson, proprietor of this dream, delivered the keynote address. He detailed every piece of the process that has allowed this community to become a campus. Everyone was a witness to the determination this man had in order to provide older adults the best facility for when they retired. However, it did not end there. Once his speech was completed, Susan Wright, President of Gloria Dei communities and Frank Johnson’s daughter, congratulated him for all of his work by revealing his honorary portrait to be displayed proudly in The Farms brand new reception area.
With the conclusion of Frank Johnson’s dedication, Jack Travers, President of the Farms’ Resident’s Association, began his toast to initiate the beginning of dinner. However, before food was served there was a ceremonial cake cutting by two residents who have been living at The Farms since its conception. These two women, Mabel Clark and Emma Fetzer, gleefully cut each cake. One cake represented the original Farms community from 1991 and the other had the newly renovated Farms on its 25th anniversary.
As dinner began, people dined on their delicious meal and struck up cheerful conversations with their neighbors. The dining hall was ringing with utensils on plates, glasses clanking together, and overall positivity. The speeches and the dinner made for a great culmination of the evening. It’s not very often you see such a constant level of excellence performed for 25 straight years. When such a milestone is achieved, you stop to celebrate it!Gloria Dei would like to thank everyone for making such an event and celebration possible.