Many people live here from many different walks of life. We have 146 apartments. Currently we have 168 residents. I have residents that still work full time. We have residents that are retired, some are semi-retired. We have snowbirds! Folks that own homes down the south, South Carolina – Florida, that will leave us when the winter comes. And turn around, lock the apartment, and we won’t see them for 3 or 4 months until the weather breaks. So we have husband and wives that live here, single folks, a few mothers and their daughters that live here. So it’s a whole smattering of different types of people that live with us, and I think that’s the most exciting part. People from all different walks of life, like I say, folks that are semi-retired, fully retired, still working all living in the same community, but all enjoying being together and enjoying living under one roof.
Larry Taylor
Administrator at The Farms